Welcome to Gray Road Baptist Church
5500 S. Gray Road,
Indianapolis, IN 46237
We will begin to gather again on...
Please read the guidlines below, and for the full letter from the elders, click here.
No Sunday School, nursery care, or kids programs
Children will remain in the service and stay with their families. We will send out activity sheets for you to print and bring to the service.
Enter at Entrances 1 and 2 only
We will open the door for you both going in and coomoing out. All other entrances will be locked.
You may or may not wear masks and gloves
We are not mandating these or providing them. Please respect the decisions of others.
Stay Sanitary
Hand Sanitizer and sanitizing wipes will be available in various locations.
Avoid contact and maintain social distancing
Please no handshakes or hugs for now. Watch for marked pews and maintain 6 foot distance between family units.
Please do not linger after the service in the auditorium.
Pick up your communion cup at the back of the auditorium on communion Sundays. Keep it with you until the appropriate time in the service.
No offering plate will be passed; keep giving online or drop your offering in offering kiosk.
New to Gray Road?
Gray Road Baptist Church exists to glorify God.
We believe that we do that through four different ways:
• Exalting Christ in passionate worship
• Equipping Christians for life and service
• Encouraging one another with meaningful fellowship
• & Engaging the world with the gospel
We'd love to meet you, hear your story and share the hope we have from the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.
Join us on a Sunday to study God’s Word, connect with one another and proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth.