Children's Ministry
Welcome to the Children's Ministry
Age graded programs are offered for children during the Sunday and Midweek services.
Nursery -- Birth - 24 Months
Early Childhood -- Age 2 - Kindergarten
Early Elementary -- Grades 1-2
Juniors -- Grades 3-5
Every child from Age 2 through Grade 5 study the same Bible story at their own level of understanding each Sunday, and children in Grades 1-5 are also given a weekly Bible study that reviews the text studied.
Upcoming Teachings
For more information on our children's ministry, email Chad McFadden.
Elementary Juniors
On Sunday mornings during the Bible Study hour, we offer Generations of Grace programming for all children in grades 1-5.
If you choose, you may drop off your child in the Educational Building above the gym and attend an Adult Bible Study of your choice.
Following the Bible Study hour, you are to pick up your child in his classroom to join you in the auditorium for worship. Children are dismissed from the morning service right before the sermon, so that they may attend a fun learning environment in Fellowship Hall just for them - Discipletown!
Praise Factory is a curriculum based on 16 key questions, each centering on a key aspect of theology. The twelve units are broken down into 104 sub-concepts that elaborate on the 16 Big Questions using an Old Testament, a New Testament, and a church history/missions story to teach each concept over a 3 week period.
Children in grades K-5 are to be dropped off and picked up in the Gym each Wednesday, and children who have not yet entered Kindergarten are to be dropped off and picked up in the Nursery Wing.
Praise Factory Verse Cards:

Early Childhood
We offer Generations of Grace programming for all children age 2 through kindergarten.
If you choose, you may drop off your child in the Children’s Wing, attend Sunday Bible Study of your choice, and stay through the main Worship Service. Each child will have lots of fun singing songs, interacting with other children and adults, and learning age-appropriate Bible stories.

During all Sunday services and special events, and during our Wednesday evening Bible study sessions, loving care is provided for newborn to 24-month-old children by qualified caregivers in our beautiful Children's Wing.