Welcome to Grace and Truth Counseling Center!
We look forward to helping you see and solve problems God’s way, using God’s Word. Please read
the information provided in full, as it will make clear how we counsel and operate. For additional
questions, please see our FAQ page at the end of the form.
Counseling will take place on Monday evenings. Other times will depend on the availability of counselors. Once we have received your paperwork, we will contact you to schedule an appointment. We will inform you if there is a wait. In that case, we will contact you as soon as an appointment is available. Once you have made an appointment, please keep it. Any cancellations should be made at least 24 hours ahead of time. Failing to do so may result in your case being deactivated.
Since Gray Road Baptist Church provides the facilities and the counselors volunteer their time, we can offer
counseling at no charge. However, out of respect for our staff, we do require a $25 deposit which is forfeited
for last minute cancellations. If a counselee leaves or graduates from counseling without cancellation, the
deposit will be returned. Also, your counselor may suggest purchasing additional materials or pamphlets to aid in the counseling process.